Top Ayurvedic Spine Care Hospital in Hyderabad

Our spine is the most essential part of the body. It anchors the entire body and is located on the back, connecting our brain to the whole body. It is a very sensitive part of the body and any minor injury may lead to adverse health-related issues. The two most common regions of the spine … Read more

Ayurvedic Treatment for Back Pain in Hyderabad

Back pain has become the most concerning health-related issue among all age groups now. Changing lifestyle, increasing work-related stress, and unhealthy eating practices have cumulatively plunged a majority of the population into grave health problems, i.e. ‘back pain’. It is an alarming situation in India, as the studies suggest that nearly 60 percent of people … Read more

Best Ayurvedic treatment for Neck Pain in Hyderabad

Best Ayurvedic treatment for Neck Pain in Hyderabad Manya Stambha, which is the stiffness of the neck referred to as Neck Pain. It refers to chronic pain in the neck and the cervical area of the back. Neck pain is a leading issue among the majority of the population. There are many factors for neck … Read more

Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Herniated disc in Hyderabad

A herniated disc is a problem relating to one of the rubbery cushions or discs that sit between the bones (Vertebrae) that stack to the spine. The spinal disc has a soft, jellylike centre called the nucleus, encased in a tougher rubbery exterior called the annulus. A herniated disc occurs when some of the nuclei … Read more

How to Cure Infertility with Ayurveda Treatment?

In Ayurveda, a weak Shukra is the cause of all male and female sexual problems including infertility as the Shukra dhatu, considered the supreme body tissue, is responsible for one’s sexual desire, sexual prowess, and ability to create superior progeny. Causes of Infertility Among Men and Women Ayurveda does not consider infertility to be a … Read more

Comprehensive Guide on Ayurveda Treatment for Psoriasis

Skin diseases can be due to microbial infections or toxic reactions to certain stimuli. Psoriasis is an autoimmune inflammatory skin condition that forms thick, scaly, and itchy plaques caused by the excessive and rapid growth of skin cells. While psoriasis disease has no permanent cure, it can be controlled with proper treatment. Types of Psoriasis … Read more

How to Eat Right with the Help of Ayurveda Diet Plan?

Are you someone who is always struggling with health issues & on the lookout for the next best thing to improve your health? Well, you’re not alone.  With so many different types of diet plans and health trends out there, it can be overwhelming trying to figure out what’s best for your body. But what … Read more

How to Reduce Anxiety and Stress with Ayurveda?

Remember those times when you had a big deadline at work while also dealing with a sick family member? Or what about planning a surprise party for a loved one but suddenly facing unexpected weather conditions threatening to ruin the event? Or had to take a last-minute flight for an emergency, but the airport is … Read more

Vardhan Ayurveda Hospital has been incorporated in the year 1999 and had been working hard for the advocacy and practice of Ayurveda in India and across the globe.

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